
DriveandplaygamesfromONEappwithyourSpheroMini,Sphero2.0,SPRK,SPRK+,andBOLT....DriveyourrobotsseveralwayswiththeSpheroPlayapp.,透過單一應用程式來操控SpheroMini、Sphero2.0、SPRK、SPRK+和BOLT以及玩遊戲。使用多種刺激有趣的操控模式連接和控制機器人、將機器人當作控制器來玩遊戲, ...,Areyouhavingfunyet?Becausethat'swhatthisappisallabout.DriveandplaygamesfromONEappwithyourSpheroMini,Sphero2.0,SPRK,SPRK...

Sphero Play - APK Download for Android

Drive and play games from ONE app with your Sphero Mini, Sphero 2.0, SPRK, SPRK+, and BOLT. ... Drive your robots several ways with the Sphero Play app.

App Store 上的《Sphero Play》

透過單一應用程式來操控Sphero Mini、Sphero 2.0、SPRK、SPRK+ 和BOLT 以及玩遊戲。 使用多種刺激有趣的操控模式連接和控制機器人、將機器人當作控制器來玩遊戲, ...

Sphero Play

Are you having fun yet? Because that's what this app is all about. Drive and play games from ONE app with your Sphero Mini, Sphero 2.0, SPRK, SPRK+, ...


讓mini進個球吧。 2.1. 加速. 操作模式. 速度. Page 14. 越過守門員. 1 在平面上放一個拱形當球門。 3 趁沒人防守,讓mini開進球門,得分。 4 現在我們放個路標在球門前, ...

Sphero Mini Programmable Robot for Kids

Sphero Mini is an ideal programmable robot for students of all ages and stages. Beginners can drive and play STEM-inspired games with Mini the Sphero Play App ...

sphero mini 迷你球形機器人編程球APP應用程式操控、駕駛

用Sphero Play 應用程式以您喜歡的任何方式來控制您的小機器人。在操縱桿模式下拖動並驅動,在彈弓模式下,向後拖動並釋放,或是在傾斜模式下傾斜或旋轉您的手機裝飾。

Sphero Mini

The Mini is Sphero's smallest robot ball. This STEM toy helps kids explore coding with interactive STEM activities & games. Order Sphero Mini online today!

Sphero Play

Are you having fun yet? Because that's what this app is all about. Drive and play games from ONE app with your Sphero Mini, Sphero 2.0, SPRK, SPRK+, ...

Sphero Play on the App Store

Drive and play games from ONE app with your Sphero Mini, Sphero 2.0, SPRK, SPRK+, and BOLT. Connect and control your robots with several exciting drive modes, ...

Download Sphero App

Free Coding Apps. Sphero makes coding apps to complement Sphero robots and Design-and-Build STEAM Kits for kids of all skill levels.